Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Loaded Question

I've been telling a lot of lies the past few days. I don't want to, but I get the feeling that the people posing the question don't really want the extended answer. Besides, I'm not even sure if I could return a completely honest response to their inquiry. Instead, I give the obligatory reply and we go on with our lives. In unspoken agreements around the Western world, lightweight answers are given to loaded questions every second of the day.

I appear to be calm and confident. Truthfully, God grants me this unearthly sense of serenity as I slip down His slides and climb His ladders. Moving to Bolivia, I am brimming with anticipation. Pressing on, I strain my neck to see what awaits me. I am the yellow marker, sitting near the fold of the boardgame.

Yellow is the hue of fear and cowards. I do not live by a spirit of fear, but I do live through moments of it. Pain punches my core as I ponder the separation from neices and nephews. Tears terrorize my composure when I wonder too long over the "what if's" of certain relationships. Lingering too long in any of these prickly places, draws my knees to the floor, begging God to restore in me a serene spirit.

No surprise that the reply to "How are you?" is reduced to "Good." and "No complaints." Our real response is normally reserved for a few. Why am I posting my heavyweight answer to a loaded question on a public blog? I suppose I tire of semi-truths. So, tell me, how are you?!


At 2:47 PM, Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

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At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How am I?
I am angry, hurt, and ready to dump almost all of my so-called friends and run away to Spain or Maine or Africa... I wish I could start this year over. I hate that I can't get my priorities straight, even when all the answers are right in front of me. I feel lonely in crowds, but am most content alone in my room. I felt welcome with the Christians at Western for about a month, but now they are just like the rest. I don't fit in. I feel like a puzzle piece who was put away in the wrong box, and now someone is trying to do the puzzle and I don't fit anywhere because I'm meant to go with a different puzzle altogether.
I like my bosses at work more than the people I've called friend for the past two years.
I'm happy that you have a blog, because I'm very bad at emails, but very good at comments.

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s., hi, and welcome to the world of online journaling
p.p.s. sorry for being so abrupt and ... well, you asked for honesty, and nobody's asked me that in a while.

At 11:07 PM, Blogger FFG said...

nikki, who put you in the wrong box and who's trying to put the puzzle together?


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