Bless Their Hearts

The Georgians have left Bolivia.
Blogging about my unforgetable week with this good looking crew will console me in their absence. They left such a short time ago that I can still smell them. I'm not joking. Four bags of their clothes are sitting in my bedroom and the smell of their sweat, perfumes, and detergent fills the air. My house mates have to plug their noses and beg for mercy as I borrow their detergent and say sorry for the odour that is emanating from the bags. Once again, there was a lot of banter between myself, the representative Canadian, and these fifteen Americans over the English language and the proper pronounciation of certain vowels. I'm not sure if I corrected them at all, but a few of them were saying "eh" by the end of the week (don't deny it Ben!). I am most definitely saying "y'all" more often then I care to admit.
Through out the week, I was continually impressed with the godliness, perseverence, generosity and fearlessness of these men and women. They faced the ferocity of Nacer's farm animals and the unexpected appearances of Bolivian wildlife in brave and valient ways. Who can forget how Tim took down the charging ram, risking his own life to protect the ladies? Or the brave bull riding of Ben as he tamed Betsy, the bucking cow? Nothing matches the stoicness of the girls as they sifted through mounds of potatoes, risking life and limb, to find those not infested with writhing larvae in order to feed the hungry horde. Although no one witnessed the battle, Timmy tells of the time he entered the guy's cabin and a large lizard of gecko proportions fell from the ceiling and landed on his shoulder. Courageously, he fought and rid the room of the beast, saving the rest of the men from certain death.
Countless laughs and cherished memories are mine now that this group has gone home (not to mention the thoughtful gifts they gave me before departing!). I can not forget the way I felt as I watched several of you carry on conversations with the boys you were building for. Arms draped around their shoulders, you poured out your heart and told your jokes to these loveable lads. It didn't matter that it was all in English, these kids were left feeling valued and honoured. Thank you.
Thank you for all the work you the home and at relationships. You played and layed bricks hard, leaving an impression that will last a long time. You raised up walls one brick at a time and laid a floor one painful stone after another. May this work last long but may the work that God has begun in you last forever. Each one of you is worthy of greater honour then the cement you poured or the beams you raised. God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. He is worthy of all honour for the work he does in us. May we hold to the courage and the hope of which we boast! God bless your hearts and I'll see y'all again sometime soon eh?
This looks like a great time with these people, eh? This would have been write up your alley eh? Marcee.
Heh.......well bless your heart. I had a great time, and it was nice getting to know you.
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