Soup of the Day

I was going to just title this blog and post the picture and it probably would have had the desired impact. However, my mouth is like a split gut and words are always spilling out everywhere. I can't resist elaborating on the meals I've had this week. Speaking of gut, have I mentioned the delightful fare of stomach stew and giblet goulash that was recently served at the home?
With regard to the posted photo, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this chicken head's vacant sockets staring up at me. A few minutes prior, one of our youngest girls was telling me how much she enjoyed chicken brains. I really didn't believe her, until she cracked the skull open like a walnut and consumed the mush inside! I tried to control my reactions, but they must have picked up on my revulsion as they proceeded to dangle the ripped up cranium in front of my face, inviting me to partake.
Yesterday, Lindsay and I headed to the Nacer boy's home. Near the dinner hour, one of the guys beckoned us to the kitchen to show us what he was preparing for dinner. As we approached the metal cauldron that sat over an open flame, the boy grabbed a large wooden ladle and began to swirl the boiling broth. A sick feeling washed over me as the large head of a pig was pulled out of the bubbling depths. We were told that the head needed to simmer in the soup for several hours so that all of it's flavours would seep out. I've never really been a big fan of the flavour of head, but I did manage to consume half a bowl.
No, the picture would not have been sufficient on it's own to convey the outlandish meals I've been eating as of late. I do apologize for not tacking warnings onto my last two entries. I realize that their content may revolt and disgust some of my readers. Welcome to my life. Soup anyone?
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I'm definitely showing this to my team.
As we say here in Bolivia, Provecho! Enjoy! May your mission trip be head least when it comes to the food!
You should put links to other blogs so that when we comment we don't have to type in another address or click teh "back" button repeatedly on our browsers... it's easy to do and if you don't know how, I can do it for you.
No entiendo, you're right, I don't know what you're talking about, but feel free to do it or tell me how!
Holy Smokes! I can't believe that chicken head was in your soup! Our family does pig roasts but I can't see that even comparing to a pig head simmering in a pot.
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