Picture Perfect...Sometimes.
I just spent the past two days trying to amend my blogpage. I had written a bit on some humourous happenings but somehow it got posted twice. This drove me batty! It irritated me to no end to have a duplicate entry on my blog and I wasn't able to rectify it. It was like a picture hanging slightly slanted on the wall or open cupboard drawers in the kitchen, it had to be straightened, it had to be closed.
I'm not anal in all areas, only certain things bug me. Like tags sticking out of shirt collars and calendars that don't show the right month. Incorrect spelling and grammar on my part grates my nerves, but I can handle it from others...most times. Can one be a part-time perfectionist? By the clutter that gathers on my bedroom shelves and the dust that rests on every ledge, I vote 'yes'.
My dad is the same way. He can leave his clothes and towel stranded and smelly on the bathroom floor and the evidence of his latest sandwich making venture all over the kitchen counter, but the garage is cleaned and organized every Saturday. Painting with dad takes perfectionism to a whole new level. Lines must be clean, watch the ceilings, and don't skimp on the paint...I must have heard these guidelines a thousand times. Apparently my brother Dan is even worse!
Where do these perfectionist tendancies come from?
"Perfection is fundamental to God's character. Because he is perfect, he could only make a perfect creation. Creation has changed..., but in the beginning it was just right! God said, it was good. It was perfect." (The Stranger, John R. Cross)
Seems I was doomed from the get-go. Not only do I have an earthly father who is a partial perfectionist, I have a heavenly One is completely perfect. The gene of perfectionism is attached to my physical and spiritual DNA. Clearly, it doesn't extend to all areas of my life or character, but this trait has something to do with the fact that I'm made in the image of the Perfect One. If a displaced picture or incorrect calendar bother me, how must God feel as He watches this distorted world? When He looks upon me? How much longer Lord, will You hold off and resist the urge to straighten things up and clean up shop for good?
I hate being a perfectionist. Do you think maybe we define "perfect" as something it's not? After all, when we want something done "perfect" it is only seen as "perfect" through the lens of our eyes. Meaning, someone else could think it is "not perfect" and we would think it is "perfect", or vice versa. Therefore "perfect" is a relative term. I see perfectionism as an addiction that can lead to bondage, but excellence as attainable. Tremendous difference between the two. I'm not sure that "Be perfect as your Father is perfect" is calling us to be "perfect" in the sense we view perfection, but to be able to live in a state of excellence... or to be "perfect" in love. Maybe this is all an arguement in semantics, which I'd be willing to accept, but perhaps it is not. I should probably think about this more before I post this comment, but hey, what the heck! Good blog!
Do you think your determination to define the word "perfect" is evidence of perfectionism in you? Or a desire to be excellent in the use of one's vocabulary? Some people would shrug their shoulders and say there is no difference between the two, but I totally get what your saying and believe that there is a difference. Perfect is completely subjective...this has become more clear as I've lived in Bolivia. I.e. the carpenter working on our guest room/bathroom bought a toilet lid and top that doesn't match the toilet one bit. In his eyes it was perfect because it was cheap. It's going to make me nuts.
Hey Kyle, that first part of my comment could be interpreted as snitty, that's not what I intended, apologies. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to not wanting to offend..ha!
Girl, I can relate! For a long time I've said, "A little OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) goes a long way!" However, wouldn't you think that OCD is a bit of an oxymoron? After all, people like me (and your dad) and apparently you get dialed into order? Go figure.
A definition of a perfectionist is 'someone who takes pains and gives them.' Okay, I admit it -- my name is Neil and I'm a perfectionist. And no, just saying out loud does not make me feel better!
As I mature however, I find my perfectionism loosening up. I revel in the fact that as a committed follower of Jesus, He has covered me with His perfect work. I take joy in knowing that our error free, perfect and fully loving heavenly father looks at me through the perfect work of His son. Wow, now that is a perfection that inspires.
Blessings to you ... Neil Ostrander
Hey Pres! How is life at ITC? About perfectionism, although I'm not nearly as "mature" as you yet, I find mine is increasing as the years pass, but it's not always a bad thing i.e. I must make my bed everymorning..wrinkle free and pillows placed just so...Mom, you can get off the floor now!
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