Bovines and Beer

affections. Still, we are devoted to the One who stole our heart and soul, determined to obey even if it kills us.
As our spirits dehydrate in the desert of doubt and disillusion, we do encounter oasis' of amusement to relieve us from time to time. The most recent source of refreshment came from bovines and beer. A few days ago, we were discussing the rarities of Bolivia. Particularly, we were commenting on the fact that the corner bookstore sells cerveza. As we amused ourselves with this oddity, I looked out the window and said,"Alison, there is a large cow standing at our door." To assure myself that this was no mirage, I took some footage of the beast, which I would post if I knew how.
The desert, or the "dark night" as Manning defines it, "is a very real place, as anyone who has been there will tell you" is "marked by dryness, barrenness, desolation, and a profound sense of God's absence. The dark night is an indispensable stage of spiritual growth..."
If I could, I'd take the red-eye out of this dark night and fly to a place a little more comfortable and familiar. In fact, when my mom told me how much I was getting back in taxes, I thought,"Hmm, enough to get me home and then some!" Amidst my musings, a verse came to mind,
"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. So, don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do it's work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." James 1:2-4
Thankfully, my dark night is marked with moments of hilarity, but that doesn't change my Houdini tendancies. I face a sand dune of a decision; will I scale this mountain of blazing granules or balk and flee for familiar shores? If the restlessness of the dark night or the strength sapping desert is what I need to endure for development and growth, then switch off the lights and turn up the heat. This weary wanderer has no desire to be a spiritual runt.
You drink beer and eat beef? Wow... must be nice! lol. Kidding. There's enough beef here to sink the Titanic... over a few thousand times.
Know what you're talking about though... it is easy to want to quit. Keep persevering!!
The beer is alright, the daquiri's are better. The beef in Bolivia would sink the Titanic and everyone would sing "My Heart Will Go On" as it never left the charts in SA and I suffer for it daily!
My blogs certainly reflect a dreary state of mind, but I'll just testify that I believe God is trustworthy and so very good...Kubs, I look forward to seeing your face here and I hope my grumblings don't ward you off.
Is this Marcee Groen from Dundas Ontario? I met you once when I was singing at your church. The song People Need the Lord? You know that song! You told me it was your favourite! I sang it and remembered how at one time I needed the Lord until you showed me the way to repentance. Then we went out for cokes and you wanted to drive to London to watch that movie with me. It really was a good movie. Anyhow, I hope your doing well in Bolinka. I'll be doing a round trip to Argentina. Can I drive from there to see you for a day? We could rent that movie in Spanish and watch it again. It was fun. Thanks for being my hero and being so fun.
Hi Adam, this is interesting because I can not recall who you are. I'm sorry, I'll rack my brain. If we had cokes and watched a movie, I'd think I'd remember you, are you for real? By the way, you can not drive from Argentina to Bolivia for a day.
Oh and Adam? I'm actually not exactly from Dundas, my address is Dundas, but I live in Flamborough, and all of that is really the city of Hamilton. We probably didn't go for Cokes, because I don't drink coke, but I might have had an apple cinnamon tea from Tim Horton's. I don't know where Bolinka is, but feel free to visit me in Bolivia anytime, how's July?
Farmers plants costly seeds in faith so that they may have a harvest to feed many others. However, they do not have any control over the weather. They have to wait patiently for along time to get proper rain and warmth. It takes a long time before they are able to harvest the results.
In the same way, your are planting little seeds daily into people lives in faith that you will reap a harvest to fill your soul and everyone around you. I pray for an abundance of the Holy Spirit so that it would spread like a wild fire and so that you may stand firm through difficult times. Trust fully that the One who has saved you has everything in control. Do not doubt where God has put you because this will give the devil a foothold.
Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever. Jer
Thanks for the word bro!
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