Friday, February 24, 2006

First Impressions

Santa Cruz, if you're trying to impress me, it's not working! Yesterday, the wind was a serious task master, blasting pedestrians with bullets of sand. The granules attacked my skin with the vengeance of a thousand mosquitos. I pulled out my sunglasses not because of the brightness but to save my eyeballs from the sandy assault. The sun was being shy, playing peek-a-boo with the clouds, but the heat wasn't hiding behind anything! The humidity makes my hair a force to be reckoned with and the temperature spreads open my pores as sweat slides down the contours of my face.

Today, the clouds have invaded. Their arrival has lowered the mercury and beaten down the sand with the force of their rain. I am thankful for the relief, but a glance out the window and I wonder how I'm going to tackle the puddles, ponds, and new oceans that are gathering in our yard and in the road.

The casita where I now live is cute and pleasant. Between the large windows, lie naked walls waiting to be adorned. Between the uncovered walls, the floor starves for lack of furniture. My bedroom is occupied by a bed and one extremely heavy chair, but in my head it is filled with tall and short shelving, as well as a full length mirror. Against one side, there is a desk and two of the corners are graced with the fronds of two palms. Above the desk, there are five beloved faces, a quintet of favourite photos of my nieces and nephews.

Alison is my housemate. She is petite and blonde. This morning she went to her mission office but often she seeks out remote places to administer her medical skills and offer the hope of her salvation. Her love and faith bursts forth within minutes of talking with her. Her place may be void of tables and chairs, but when it comes to personality and warmth, she is amply furnished.

As I await what this weekend may hold, I am also anticipating the next several months. I am here to stay this time, there will be no return to Cochabamba, except to visit. My mind is buzzing with the novelty of it all. My thoughts dart from one idea to the next, as I visualize what could be done for the house and the ministry. The weather is not overly impressive, but Santa Cruz is saturated with possibility and potential.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Keller said...

Hey Marcee... you should post some pictures of your new surroundings/accomodations/whatever else. Enjoy the wind!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger FFG said...

Well Mr. Yog, I would love to post some pics sometime, if I would just take the time to figure out how to do that. I'm sure it's easy, but until a few days ago, all I had to use were Internet Cafes. The wind has calmed some, hallelujah!

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl!
I have finally found my way into your blog world and loved hearing your voice. Thanks for the laughs. My curiosity was going crazy about the shower head and the story had me roaring. I had to explain to Faith that Aunti M has funny words. I will check in regularly. Miss ya! Grace

At 8:07 PM, Blogger FFG said...

Gracie! Welcome to my blog world, I hope you enjoy the sights. I miss you too and think of you often! Tell Faith that Aunti M is just a little funny in the head and that's why she gets along so well with her mom!

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Sounds like your roommate is a "catch". There is something very infectious about people who just Love the Lord like that. They attract hungry souls like mosquitos to a flame.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Actaully, I meant Moth to a flame. Are mosquitos attracted to flames? More like "like a mosquito to my skin..." But you get the idea...

At 7:41 PM, Blogger FFG said...

That makes me chuckle Nicole. I got the idea, but I wouldn't mind if more mosquitos went to the flames instead of my skin!

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, your humor remains intact. I guess if everything else fails we can always fall back on being funny in the head together. Have a great day!


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