Peace Like a River
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord and yet I come before Him unmoved day after day.
The earth is set on it's foundations by You, it can never be moved, and what will be, will be.
Nothing can alter what you have ordained, and yet I can do so much to put into motion your ordinances.
Families of nations will ascribe to You glory and strength that is Your due, but right now I think I'm due my family and my nation.
You guard the lives of those who are faithful, but at the moment I wonder how faithful I am.
Shedder of light and joy in the hearts of the righteous, why is mine so sad?
Still, I praise You, because you are worthy and with me.
In the midst of sadness, I sense absurd peace.
As I nurse a hurting heart, it is well with my soul.
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