Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drop the Wood.

Sophie and Nikki saw me coming around the corner of the driveway and ran toward me. Nikki was in the lead but kept checking behind her to make sure Sophie wouldn't pass her unexpectantly. Along the way, Sophie paused long enough to pick up a piece of wood. Both girls had joined me when Nikki decided that she wanted the timber. A vicious tug-of-war began and I opted to walk on instead of getting caught in the middle of a fight. As I reached the door, the pulling was at a stand still but neither girl would admit defeat by letting go of the wood. I turned into the house and thought, "Stupid dogs."

"Stupid is right!" That's what my dad would say. Ten minutes later the two ladies maintained their stiff postures, staring each other down, and fiercely gripping the log by their teeth. That piece of wood represented a game of toss and Nikki wasn't willing to lose ground nor my attention to Sophie. Her jealous behaviour lost my consideration anyway. They chose bleeding gums and splinters in the tongue over belly rubs and ear scratching. All they had to do was drop the wood and I would have blessed them with the affection they were both so desperate to receive.

Quarrels, discord, jealousy, in-fighting, petty grudges and misguided thinking leave us raw and wounded, trapped in a showdown of wits and pride. Stupid is right. Drop the wood. Receive the blessing.


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