Mis Propios
Inspiration is everything when it comes to writing. For that reason I am wearing my black T-shirt with red and white lettering which states in no uncertain terms, "Everyone loves a Canadian girl". In the case of this blog, the logo should read, "Everyone loves a Canadian team". And why not? The very fact that the most recent team was from my country and even my province makes them worthy of love. These nine teenagers and six adults were my own, or as we say in Spanish, "mis propios"!

Splitting their time between the Nacer homes and another ministry, El Jordan, we found ourselves making daily trips from the country into the city and back again. On our way back to Nacer one evening, the bus made a pee pit-stop at my place. Anne, a smiley, upbeat person, entered our living/dining room and said, "Wow, you're house is so cute. How do I say 'your house is beautiful' in Spanish?" I made the translation for her where upon she turned to my blonde haired, blue eyed house mate and stammered,"Tu...casa...es...bonita!" To which Alison replied,"Thank you. I speak English."
As per norm, there were many humourous occurences. Hands down, Nick had the best Smeagol imitation I have ever seen! Sara earned the nick name 'Waxine' one evening as we hung out at the girl's home. In the midst of translating, Sara approached me with eyes as wide as saucers. She was concerned because after sharing her name with Vicki, the girl had stuck her finger in her ear and then repeated the motion with her own ear. Far from being a new form of greeting, Vicki was trying to let Sara know that her name means 'ear wax' in Spanish. Hence the nick name.
Each member contributed so much to the trip. Tim and Anne brought down their dentistry skills and spent hours doing cleanings and root canals. The whole team could sing, but Mike, Bronwyn, and Ben blessed me tons with their musical gifts. Lana touched the lives of many women with her testimony and gentle spirit.
The neatest tale comes as a result of dozens of soccer jerseys, shorts, and socks that the team brought down with them. Days before their arrival, Miguel, the director, had been at the home where I work. The girls have been training for a soccer tournament and begged Miguel for some shirts to play in. He said that they would have to ask God about that request because there was nothing he could offer them. As soon as he saw the set of 16 shiny, maroon tops, he beckoned me over and told me to tell the team how they had provided an answer to prayer. This Saturday (and Saturdays to come) our girls will proudly play in matching uniforms, remembering that God knows and grants the desires the desires of our heart. (I want to post a picture but blogger won't upload the shot!)
With so much more to tell, all I can say is thanks to 'mis propios' for being here. Thanks to Paul, whose story is book worthy, for leading and guiding the team. It was good to say 'eh' without a single reaction and wonderful to spend time with some fellow Canadians. Come back anytime, but bring cold weather and Tim Horton's with you!
Hi Marcee! Uhm... I really don't have much to say, but thought I should say "hi"! So... Hi!
Oh yeah, do you remember my sister Mary? Just thought I'd mention that she's pregnant and due in the new year!
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