Love is in the Looking
Love is not gazing at each other but looking outward together in the same direction.
I know I'm single and as such this line that I read in a magazine shouldn't really apply to me, but I like it and it keeps popping into my head. In terms of romance and pairing up, I think it's a one-liner worth adopting. The key to successful relationships is unified vision and shared passion. Although this certainly applies to non-platonic relationships, I feel it works in the realm of friendships as well. My dearest and most cherished friends are those with whom I share a common sense of God's call and movement in our lives. They are fired up about missions and anxious to hear and follow the leading of Christ. As we view life, the same things strike us as funny and we find ourselves thinking the same things, if not saying the same words at the same time. The connections that I cherish most are the ones where all eyes are fixed in similar directions.
I write similar directions because I realize that there has to be room for some variance. How wretchedly boring life would be if we were all doing the same thing. There are always things to look at in the peripheral, but when all eyes are fixed ahead, there is only One in our line of sight, Jesus Christ. Love is not about gazing at one another, but about serving others and setting our sights above.
And by the way, this time, next week, I'll be on a plane, flying home to see the ones I love so much!
Hey Marcee,
This morning I woke up to find the aforementioned sardine can (and the rest of my garbage) strewn across my front lawn. Bloody racoons!!
Hey - have you ever heard of Bruxy Cavey? I went to the meetinghouse in Oakville today - it was very interesting. I think you should check out their format.
Boo racoons!
I have met Bruxey Cavey a few times and I enjoy his take on things. I was actually planning on going to the Meetinghouse one Sunday while I'm home...heard a lot about it and have a friend from my mission who attends there.
See you soon, Marcee
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