Hot Potatoe
It amazes me, as I dialogue with various people, that the things I´m mulling over in my mind are making revolutions in the heads of others as well. It makes me look to the ceiling and say, "Yes, I´m normal!"....maybe.
My past blog briefly touched on some of those annoying emails that get passed around like hot potatoes in "Christian" circles. I think they get tossed around so often because the ones who receive them are as uncomfortable with them as I am. They aren`t sure what to do with them, so like a wave tossed by the wind, they drag their mouse to the forward button and "click". The emails I´m talking about are the ones that deliver flowery poems, modern parables, or "true" stories meant to challenge the reader in some way. They drip with spiritual lingo and are usually adorned with lovely graphics in pastel hues. Granted, some of them may serve well as illustrations and may hold some trace of truth. They lose ALL my respect when tacked on the end I read this:
Now that you´ve read this moving and inspiring message, send it to 15 other people, including the one who sent it to you. If you really love Jesus, you shouldn´t be ashamed to do this. If you don´t, then God will be ashamed of you. If you do this in the next half hour, you will recieve an unexpected phone call. Trust me, it works! I didn´t believe it either, but now that I´ve done it, I believe!!
Sounds like a hokey, evangelistic rally via email...the kind that I find embarassing as a Christ follower. Why do they irritate me SO much? First, because it´s blatantly superstitious. Second, is that it encourages a "works" mentality. These emails are contributing to a major misconception of right living. They are sent, and sent, and sent again out of guilt and spiritual insecurity.
What does it mean to live right? To follow Christ? To have His mind? Does living right mean sending off scraps of spirtual trite in a half-ass effort to fulfill the great commission? Yes, I wrote "half-ass", does that mean that I don´t have the mind of Christ?
One of my friends has the most astounding faith in Christ. She can testify to the provision of God in her life and ministry. The other night when she heard that the churches were making a decision regarding land that her and her husband wanted to purchase, we dropped everything to pray. This same friend, in casual conversation, can drop four letter bombs like a verbal tank. I´m not always comfortable with her linguistic explosions, but I don´t doubt her sincere love and trust in God for a second!
When you send off an email like the ones I´ve been writing about, you´re missing the point. God doesn´t care whether you send it or not. It´s easy to send off a word into a virtual world with no face, but what will you say when you come face to face with someone who really needs to hear authentic truth? What would I see if I looked into your eyes instead of looking at your email? What would you see in mine, if you were looking at them instead of reading this blog?
Right living does not consist in whether or not we forward that well intentioned email or not. It is not found in our ratio of bad language vs. prayer language. It´s not about what we do...entirely (that´s another day, another blog). David Crowder wrote his first book, Praise Habit - Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi, and I´m reading it right now. He talks about how people miss the intent of Scripture when they try to define right living in terms of how much we drink, cuss, smoke, and a variety of other dangerous activities. He comments,
"I am familiar with a copious quantity of people who do not participate in any of these activities yet walk around lifeless, as dead and intriguing as a pile of dirt."
So true. We, the essence of soil, find life in Christ, not works. When someone passes along the types of emails that I´ve been blasting, I can´t help but think that hot potatoe is a game best left to children...I´d rather get my fingers burned.
Great thoughts Marcee. You must be getting a copius amount of e-mails. Now that I have the youth centre with all the grade 7-9's with my email addy, I receive daily amounts of electronic poo as well. Even if it's not overly spiritual, "a true friend will send this to 7 others and then back to the sender" is still annoying. I hope that you'll receive less and less of that and more and more encouraging emails.
While it is hard for me to think of forwarding goofy cheese-mails as "works" without laughing, I agree with your sentiment that this kind of thinking is works-based. When we will figure out that works are a *fruit* of our faith, I don't know. Before coming to know the Lord a few years ago I swore like a trucker. The spirit of Christ in me has certainly tamed that quite a bit, although just yesterday I was cooking for a missionary fundraiser in the church kitchen while the service was going on in the next room over and burned myself. It was all I could do not to scream out the F-bomb in a deafening-volume loud enough for the entire congregation to hear. But the Lord gives more grace. :)
(and yes, Marcee, you met me at the WOW, in face you bought me Tim Horton's :) )
Hey...I got into rant mode and I had to see it through to the end. I do get a lot of those ridiculous emails, but I think I´ll be able to handle it with some semblance of sanity.
Nicole, I remember you but I don´t remember bringing you Tim Horton´s and that was very cruel of you to mention the coffee hub of the universe when I´m so far removed from those corners. ;)
Who knows, maybe on the day of accounting one of the questions will be, "The music has stopped and you still hold one of those emails in your inbox, why did you not send it?"
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