Swingset Kid
I´m a swinger. I swing from the purest peace to the deepest doubt in God´s plans for my life.
Praying the other day, God brought me to the playground. Whenever I picture a playground, I see in my mind the monkey bars, slides, and teeter-totters of my old gradeschool. That´s where He brought me.
I was this kid sitting on a splintered board, suspended between two links of chain. My knuckles were white and my fists clenched around the metal loops. Two little legs were pumping furiously, but the swing wasn´t getting too much altitude. My efforts to gain height only resulted in jerky, useless movements.
Meanwhile, the Lord was standing behind me in silence. He was watching my futile attempts to gain speed and height with an amused, but sad look on His face. His head was shaking slightly from side to side. It took me awhile before I noticed His big, capable hands resting in front of Him. I realized that they were exactly what I needed to really get going....so, I asked for a push....and that´s when things really got moving....things got exciting and fun...almost dangerous, but I screamed in delight, "Higher, higher!"
I know this sounds like a cheesy email that gets forwarded from person to person (and if you don´t forward it to at least 10 people, you surely must not be a Christian!), but this is where God brought me the other day while we were talking. He clearly wanted me to realize something, that the words, "Daddy, can you give me a push?" aren´t that hard to say...and who knows, maybe if I ask really nicely, He´ll throw in an underdog or two.
I really hate those emails that go something like this... if you don't forward this to 75 people in the next 15 seconds, something terrible will happen to you! What happened to Alex's grandfather could happen to you! I know it's true! His grandfather thought it wouldn't happen to him but he slipped on a twig and died because he only sent it to 74 people! And now he's being forced to eat kitten poo for all eternity! Besides, if you really love God you shouldn't even think about not sending it because it will prove that you aren't a Christian and that you are a cold-hearted ogre who farts frequently! So prove it!
Anyhow, it was a good blog and it didn't actually remind me of that e-mail, just your mentioning it did. haha.
I know! They make me batty and there are some who are notorious for sending me them...I don´t even waste my time...I´d rather eat kitty-poo for the rest of eternity then read yet another email filled with pious platitudes...the same email that I´ve received from about 20 other "well-intentioned" people who think that just because it mentions Jesus or the Bible and I´m a "missionary", the over-sent piece will surely inspire me.
I know try to reply to all who send them... to STOP SENDING THEM! I wonder if they even read half of them or if they just see Jesus, Bible, Missionary, if you care... and then hit forward...
Let's stop this nonsense as it is no traveling around the world!!!!!
I´m fidgeting in my mind about how to approach this in a blog...coming soon to Marcée´s Meanderings.
Marcee, you really are getting me in trouble here at the public library where I am trying to catch up on your blog in quiet.. I keep laughing out loud in an all-together unlibraryish volume.
The Kitty Poo comment did it for me this time. I so agree... I am so intolerant of those forwards that even when my closest friends send them, I delete them immediately. It sounds harsh, but you have to have standards in this world.
Your blog entry here, on the other hand, was beautiful. It only made me jealous, though... my conversations and quiet times with the lord are not nearly that visionary or adventerous... maybe I need to update my vision software!! :)
I have been meaning to read your blog for the past month and have finally dedicated some time to it... you will probably see some comments on old posts. I look forward to hearing about your time in Bolivia and other "brain movements" here.
-Nicole Mueller (Elmira IT missionary, friend of Lindsay Kubbaseck)
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Sorry! Something went wrong, and that last comment posted twice!? And now I can't get back to delete it. I don't know what I am doing here...
Also, I am not a missionary (yet)... fruedian slip... just a volunteer. :)
Hey Nicole, good to hear from you. We met at the WOW night right? Thanks for your comments...Bolivia awaits your presence!!
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