Saturday, July 14, 2007

Seven Years

Seven years of working in ministry. Seven years of raising support in order to serve with non-denominational agencies. Seven years of seeing God's unfailing provision. Seven. The number associated with God, wholeness, and perfection. As a friend commented the other day, "Seven years? About time for a sabbatical don't you think?"

Truth be told, I've been pondering the possibility of a life outside of ministry as a profession. I hear myself saying with regard to the future,"Maybe I'll go home and look for a 'normal' job." When I reflect on the time I spent working at Connon Nursery, I don't find that I was anymore ministry minded pruning plants then I am running regular one-on-ones and discipleship groups. I desire that all of me exudes Christ and that everything I do is an oozing out of God in me. Even if I do secure a regular job, it's a given that I would get involved with some service related to missions and youth. No doubt, I will advocate on behalf of my girls and this country, Bolivia, for as long as God allows. A yearly return by myself or with a team is appealingly ideal.

Reading through Colossians, it says at the end of chapter one, "We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ." I'm not sure that I'm presenting anyone perfect in Christ. The Cristo Viene girls seem neither hot nor cold when it comes to their faith. So many youth and old friends from past years appear to have veered way off track, abandoning or minimizing the truth that once captivated them. Who have I presented, perfect in Christ, to the One who I can't live without?? After seven years, it appears that I have nothing to show for all my admonishing and teaching.

This is no attempt to generate a show of commentary telling me that the work will bear fruit with time. Colossions 1 wraps up like this."To this end I labour, struggling with his energy, which so powerfully works in me." As I look longer at the verses, I realize that this perfect presentation of others to God is not about personal accomplishment. Those presented are not perfect because of my efforts, but are seen as perfect because they are in Christ. The ambition and acts that have been mine in the last seven years have been a struggle born out of his energy working powerfully in me.

Seven years. You'd think I would know this by now.