A Sensational Day
The long and winding road is my parent's drive way as it curves into the depths of our property. Nestled right where I left it a year and a month ago is our house (slightly bigger due to an addition), sitting like an old friend on a grassy rock, waiting for my return. The addition is Dan and Alicia's apartment which was a work in progress last year at this time. I've been dying to see the finished product, so at 2am last night I crept into their quarters. Since the two of them are on their way back from Florida right now, they didn't get to hear my ooo's and aaa's over how smashing everything looks.
Home is a good place. The sights, sounds (or lack of sound!), and smells wrap themselves around me and massage my heart with their warmth and familiarity. Every trip between Bolivia and Canada is like moving through a portal from one very different world into another. In my first day back, I've already appreciated the following things:
- the sweet sensation of warm water falling from the tap
- unthinkingly going to place my TP in the garbage can and having to remind myself that for the next while, I can flush the stuff down the toilet
- how wonderful my family is and how precious my nieces and nephews are to me
- the thrill of driving...even though I left my license back in Bolivia...oops!
- 7am here feels like 3am there....man, it stays dark long and gets dark early!
- not being in a perpetual state of dripping sweat.
The first day back has been sensational. I trust that the next six weeks will be just a superb!